What We Do

To realise its mission and objectives, NJUKA carries out initiatives that promote and support the wellbeing of its members and the Njinikom community in Cameroon.

Our initiatives carried out in Njinikom are owned by the community and this enhances sustainability of initiatives. 

1. Education Promotion Projects

We support initiatives in Njinikom meant to promote education and empowerment of disadvantaged young people and the Community in general. At NJUKA, we believe, like Nelson Mandela that “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine; that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation”. Our education initiative which includes setting up community libraries, book donations to schools, and promoting education through scholarships is geared towards building community awareness on the importance of education and preventing radicalisation and violent extremism through education and skill’s development. 

2. Vocational Education 

Our vocational skill building program equips young people from Njinikom with skills in sewing and embroidery, hair dressing, motor mechanics, carpentry/wood works all geared towards promoting self reliance, and reducing poverty and unemployment.

3. Community Health Promotion

At Njuka, we understand that health interventions are essential in order to address specific public health issues such as tuberculosis, malaria, neglected tropical diseases and non-communicable diseases including malnutrition. 

Our interventions to promote community health involves information sharing using multiple channels of communication to increase health knowledge and social mobilisation, working with local churches and community groups.

In the heart of Covid-19 in 2020, as part of our initiatives to promote community health, we supported the Njinikom community with hand washing facilities as well as led educational programs on hand washing to reduce the spread of covid. 

4. Portable water

To promote the mission and Vision of NJUKA, we are supporting disadvantaged communities access portable water. 

The first Community we have engaged with is Kikfuini, Njinikom Subdivision, Northwest Region – Cameroon

Kikfuini is one of the 15 villages that make up the Njinikom Subdivision in Boyo Division of the Northwest Region of Cameroon. The subdivision was created in 1996 and covers a surface area of about 173 square kilometres, with an estimated population of 40,000 inhabitants. Access to potable water, especially during the dry season remains a major challenge to the subdivision, especially in Kikfuini with very few streams which when present are mostly seasonal. 

The situation is even made worst by the growing population pressure on the limited water resources, poor land-use systems, poor catchment management and the current socio-political crisis disrupting planned development projects and maintenance works and crippling the local economy. Moreover, there is less than 10 % coverage of households in the subdivision with piped water supply and the community is generally lagging in many service parameters related to water and sanitation.

NJUKA believes that supporting communities to access portable water promotes socioeconomic development and promotes hygiene and sanitation best practices that improve community health and wellbeing.

The project is in line with the UN’s sustainable development goal 6 – access to clean water and sanitation.

To support our water project or partner with us to support more communities like Kikfuini access portable water, click here

5. Promoting Kom Culture

At NJUKA, we believe that Culture is the lifeblood of any vibrant society. Expressed through our tradition regalia, music, food, cultural events and in the many other ways, we tell our stories, celebrate who we are, remember the past, entertain ourselves, and imagine the future together. 

Our creative expression helps define who we are and helps us see the world through the eyes of others. This also supports in promoting our mental health and wellbeing. 

Partner with us to organise a cultural show